Within the community activity of the Torrassa Primary Care Center (CAP), health professionals coordinate activities with four neighborhood schools to deal with health-related issues. When a center needs one intervention of the health teams, makes the request to the pediatric service through the program nurse Health and school or with the nurse clerk of CAP.
In this case, Col·legi Ramon i Cajal detected the need to inform parents of children between three and six years of age how to act in the face of three symptoms that can affect the health of children: fever, the vomiting and the diarrhea. To answer this, the Nursing team has organized a talk, where they will explain how treat the symptoms, when they have to take the child to the pediatrician and in which cases they cannot take the children to school due to the risk of contagion.
At the end of the talk, there will be a round of questions and a discussion on the aspects discussed. The activity will last about 60 minutes. Access is free.
Opening Hours: 15-16 hours.
place: Assembly hall of the Ramon i Cajal College in l'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Carrer Albareda, 2).
Organizer: Pediatric nurses at the Torrassa Primary Care Center.
Aimed at: Parents of children aged three to six.