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  • XXXI Annual Meeting of the Catalan Society of Nephrology

XXXI Annual Meeting of the Catalan Society of Nephrology

10of June

  • 10/06/2015

Between June 10 and 12, the Sant Joan Despí Moisès Broggi Hospital will host the XXXI Annual Meeting of the Catalan Society of Nephrology. Within the framework of the meeting, the Wednesday afternoon will take place III Meeting of Nephrology Residents of Catalonia. The president of the Organizing Committee is J. M. Mallafré and the president of the Scientific Committee is Xavier Fulladosa.

These are conferences that are held annually for debate and discussion among all professionals. During the days there will be various presentations and exhibitions of posters, round tables and conferences focused on the clinical nephrology, dialysis, kidney transplant and different clinical cases for residents

The meeting aims to achieve a scientific update in all the sections that are part of the specialty, as well as to share knowledge with professionals from nephrology services across the country and other possible attendees of the event.

You can consult the full program at the following link: SOCANE program.


Catalan Society of Nephrology.