Frequently asked questions

What do you need to do or consult?

Primary care

Request an appointment with the primary care team

If you have one health problem that does not require immediate and urgent attention, or you want to have an administrative consultation or a preventive check-up, you can directly schedule a visit to your primary care center (CAP) of reference with your assigned family medicine, pediatrics and nursing professionals, and with other professionals in the health such as public care administrative staff. 

You will also be able to schedule an appointment with professionals in other areas, such as dentistry, sexual and reproductive health or social work, if you have these services assigned to you. 

You can schedule an appointment online through My Health, Quote Health, by phone and, in person, at the centers' help desks. Also through the following links:

CAP Sagrada Família

CAP Collblanc

CAP la Torrassa

Request an appointment with Sexual and Reproductive Health Care-Gynecology

The service ofSexual and Reproductive Health Care (ASSIR) it is managed by the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) and is not part of the Integral Health Consortium. Therefore, to manage visits with this service you must contact: 

For patients of CAP la Torrassa and CAP Collblanc 

ASSYRI Delta-Llobregat 

CAE Ronda la toast

Rd. the toastLa Javie, 151  

08903 l'Hospitalet 

phone: 93 887 64 91 


For patients of CAP Sagrada Família 


CAP Roger de Flor

C. Roger de Flor, 194-196  

08013 Barcelona 

phone: 93 408 59 80 

Specialized care

Track my pregnancy and the birth of my baby
Visit me or have a test at the hospital

When you arrive at the center, you need to pass the health card or schedule sheet through the reception machine that will issue you the ticket that states the location of the center where you will receive assistance. If you have any doubts, check with the Information Point.

Visit centers

Visit me in the hospital emergency room

The Emergency Services of the Consorci Sanitari Integral hospital centers attend to people with health problems who need immediate assistance 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Urgent assistance can be carried out in coordination with the different medical specialties of the center itself or of other hospitals, always depending on the needs of the patients.

Thus, the Emergency Services of theHospital de Sant Joan Despí i theHospital Dos de Maig refer obstetrics, gynecology and pediatric emergencies to specialized centers in the territory: a Hospital of Sant Joan de Déu, in the case of the Sant Joan Despi Hospital; and theHospital of Santa Creu i Sant Pau, in the case of the Dos de Maig Hospital. If this is your case, you can go directly to these centers.

In the case of theHospital General de l'Hospitalet, emergencies pediatric are referred for care to theHospital of Sant Joan de Déu.

It should be borne in mind that the priority of care is assessed in the triage based on the level of severity and complexity of the case and not by the order of arrival.

Levels of urgency

  1. Resuscitation Immediate life risk
  2. Emergency High risk situation
  3. Urgent Need for multiple scans and physiological stability
  4. Less urgent Need for exploration and diagnosis
  5. Non-urgent Visit that could be made by prior appointment or at the CAP emergency room

Levels 4 and 5 are usually health problems that are a minor emergency and can be treated at your Primary Care Center (CAP) during its opening hours or at a CAP with continuing care or QUAP, when your CAP is closed.


Modify or cancel a scheduled surgical intervention

If you already have an intervention date and you want to modify or cancel it, you must call the following telephone numbers according to the center:


Sant Joan Despí Hospital

Tel. 93 553 12 03, from 08:00 to 15:00

Tel. 93 553 12 06, from 15:00 p.m. to 21:00 p.m.


Hospital General de l'Hospitalet

Tel. 93 553 02 53, from 08:00 to 15:00

Tel. 93 553 12 06, from 15:00 p.m. to 21:00 p.m.


Hospital Dos de Maig

Tel. 93 507 27 06, from 8:00 to 14:45


More information

For other management or any other inquiries, please fill out the following form.


Enter the hospital

Hospital de Sant Joan Despí
You need to go to the Information Point in the main lobby, with an entrance at Carrer Oriol Martorell, 12.

Hospitalization Admissions Schedule: from 7.00:22.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
Tel +93 553 12 13

Welcome guide


General Hospital of l'Hospitalet - Sociosanitary Hospital of l'Hospitalet
You must go to the Information Point in the main lobby, with access via Avinguda Josep Molins, 29-41.

Hours of Hospitalization Admissions: dand 7.00 a.m. to 22.00 p.m.
Tel +93 553 12 13

Welcome guide


Hospital Dos de Maig
You need to go to the Information Point in the main hall, with an entrance from Carrer Dos de Maig, 301.

Hospitalization Admissions Schedule: from 7.30:21.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
Tel +93 435 92 85

Welcome guide


What to bring:
Personal items: pajamas, robe, wide rubber cotton socks, closed or lace-up shoes, hairbrush or comb, toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving products and fresh cologne (if desired), cell phone charger ( if necessary).

We advise you not to bring valuables, as the center cannot be held responsible for them. Take special care with hearing aids, dentures, glasses and other personal items or devices. If they need to be disposed of, notify the care staff so they can help you put them away.

Click here to see all the necessary information to facilitate your stay with us. If you have any questions, our nursing team is happy to help.

I have a surgical intervention without admission

Major Ambulatory Surgery (CMA) is the organizational model of surgical assistance that allows the patient to be treated safely and efficiently without the need for admission and without the use of a hospital bed.

Surgical interventions are performed under general, locoregional or local anesthesia with sedation and allow patients to return home the same day of the intervention, after a period of observation and control.

The aim of the center is to offer the best service during the intervention person's stay, in a comfortable environment and with quality, safe and efficient assistance.

The day before the intervention, the nurse from the Walk-in Surgery Unit will call the person to be operated on to specify the time of the intervention, clarify any doubts and remind them of the previous instructions to follow.

On the day of the intervention, you must go to the corresponding unit of each center to complete the admission procedures.

You must bring the supporting documentation (DNI-NIE and health card) and the delivered pre-anesthesia questionnaire. The person performing the intervention must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

For more information:

Hospital de Sant Joan Despí:

Access must be through the Sant Martí d'Erm street door and you must go to the green block. For any doubts, consult the nearest Information Point.


Tel +93 553 12 06

L'Hospitalet General Hospital:

Access must be made through the main door located at Avinguda Josep Molins, 29-41 and you must go to the 1st floor. If you have any questions, consult the Information Point located at this entrance to the Hospital.


phone: 93 449 41 67

Dos de Maig Hospital:

It is necessary to access via Calle Dos de Maig, 301 and go to block A, floor 1 (Surgical Care Unit).


phone: 93 507 27 16

I come from childbirth

If you think you are in labor, you must enter through the Emergency entrance of Hospital General de l'Hospitalet (Avinguda Josep Molins). You must go to the service desk to open a file. There, you will be given tags, an ID bracelet and a sheet with a number, which you will then be called to ensure confidentiality.


Once you have obtained this documentation, you must go to the second floor of the center and there you must press the bell identified with the name "Emergency", which is located in front of the stairs and the elevator.


A professional in the delivery room will attend to you and ask how you are. You will enter the delivery room and settle into one of the emergency obstetrics boxes. There, a midwife will attend to you and perform an examination to determine if you are in labor. He will also briefly listen to the fetus's heartbeat to make sure everything is okay.


If you are in doubt, you can call the delivery room and ask for a midwife who will tell you if it is time to come to the hospital.

Telephone: 93 440 75 00, extension 3265

Social care

I am awaiting an assessment of the degree of dependency
I have been referred for a disability assessment
Enter a residence or day center of the Consorci Sanitari Integral

Administrative formalities

Receive healthcare
Manage a change of primary care center, a change of family doctor or paediatrician
Find a health center
Ask for a second medical opinion

In certain particularly serious circumstances, you can ask another doctor for a second medical opinion about the diagnosis or treatment you have been given for your condition. In this case, the second medical opinion is the report issued by this doctor in order to contrast the diagnosis or the initial treatment.

You can ask for a second medical opinion in these cases:

  • If you are diagnosed with a progressive degenerative disease of the central nervous system, without curative treatment, or a malignant cancer (if it is skin cancer, you can only ask if it is melanoma).
  • If you are to undergo orthopedic surgery with a risk of significant functional limitation, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, vascular surgery or ophthalmic surgery.
  • If you have been prescribed the need for a transplant.
  • If you have been diagnosed with a minority disease (including those of genetic origin). A minority disease is defined as a disease that carries the risk of death or chronic disability and that only affects, at the most, five cases per ten thousand inhabitants.

In any of these aforementioned circumstances, from Citizen Service Unit  the center where you are treated will inform you of the right to ask for a second opinion, the centers that can give it and how long it will take to get it. More information:


Request clinical documentation

To obtain a copy of any report, scan result or other clinical documentation you may need, you have several options:

  • Through My Health.
  • Online, filling this out form.
  • Through the documentary attention point of the center where you received assistance.

To collect any clinical documentation, you need to prove yourself with your DNI/NIE/Passport.

Another person can come on your behalf to collect this documentation. In this case, you must present:

  • Written authorization of the person who owns the clinical history.
  • Photocopy of the ID of the person who owns the medical history.
  • Original ID of the authorized person.

In case of death:     

  • Photocopy of death certificate.
  • Photocopy of the deceased person's ID, family book or other documents attesting to the applicant's relationship with the deceased person.
  • Original ID of the applicant.

If you have any doubts about the delivery of the clinical documentation, you can contact the document service point of your corresponding center:

Hospital Dos de Maig
Face-to-face and telephone hours: from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 13 p.m.
93 507 27 00 – ext. 9207
Entrance on Carrer Dos de Maig, number 301. Block A (color yellow) 1a. plant (See map).

General Hospital of l'Hospitalet/Sociosanitary Hospital of l'Hospitalet/CAE Ronda la Torrassa
Face-to-face and telephone hours: from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 13 p.m.
93 553 12 00 – ext. 6272
L'Hospitalet General Hospital building. file Entrance through av. Ramón Solanich i Riera, s/n. Bloc E- External Consultations (orange color) (See map).

Sant Joan Despí Hospital/CAE Cornellà de Llobregat/CAE Sant Feliu de Llobregat
Face-to-face and telephone hours: from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 13 p.m.
93 553 12 00 – ext. 7393
Sant Joan Despí Hospital building. Main counter. Entrance through av. Baix Llobregat, number 30-45. External Consultations (See map).

Request a new medical report

To obtain a current attendance report from a specialist doctor for a disability assessment, dependency assessment, from the Catalan Institute of Medical Assessments (ICAM) or for other management, fill out this form.

If you need a duplicate of a report already made, you should contact the point of clinical documentation.

If you do not request it online, you can request it in person or by phone at Citizen Service Unit of the health center of the holder.

We remind you that you can access test reports and results through My Health.

Once requested and managed, the delivery of the documentation can be:

  • Downloaded via My Health
  • By post
  • By email
  • collected at the center in the Citizen Service Unit. You need to prove yourself with your DNI/NIE/Passport.

The documentation is delivered to the owner. In case you pick it up another person, it will be necessary to present:

  • Written authorization of the person who owns the clinical history (download).
  • Photocopy of the ID of the person who owns the medical history.
  • Original ID of the authorized person.

In case of death:

  • Photocopy of the death certificate (if the death was not in the center where the documentation is requested).
  • Photocopy of the deceased person's ID, family book or other document that certifies the applicant's relationship with the deceased person.
  • Original ID of the applicant.

The deadline for the delivery of the report is one more skilled, although the unit will try to adjust to the needs of the applicant.

Request access to public information
Make suggestions, thanks or complaints
Ask for the health card
Request the European health card
Management of work leave due to hospital admission
Request leave for birth and care of minors
Request the recognition of the dependency situation
Request the recognition of the disability situation
Apply for a place in a public residence
Apply for a place in a public day center

Residential centers
