We celebrate World No Smoke Day

  • Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Today is World No Tobacco Day, an important date in the global health promotion calendar, as it is estimated that more than 8 million people died from tobacco use last year all over the world

The Consortium once again joins the campaign of the Catalan Network of Hospitals, which this year emphasizes the importance of physical exercise against tobacco and vaping.

Tobacco is one legal drug but it is also a highly addictive substance that has stimulating effects on the central nervous system of the smoker and that carries many health risks.

A healthy life is a life without tobacco. Quitting smoking is probably the most important thing a smoker can do to improve their health, regardless of age or smoking history. Quitting smoking will improve your health and that of those around you.

If you're thinking about quitting, congratulations; it is the best decision for both you and the people around you. The health system currently offers resources to accompany you in this process. There is evidence that face-to-face, personalized help from a health professional increases the odds of success. However, there are remote resources that have also been shown to be effective.

Face-to-face support

Ask for a visit to your health center, where they can advise you on the process of quitting smoking and prescribe drug treatment if they consider it appropriate. On the other hand, if you enter one of our hospital centers, you can ask for help from our professionals who will give you advice to overcome withdrawal during your stay and to stop smoking.

In addition, if you are active, your company must have its own prevention service or must have contracted a third-party prevention service. In any case, you can turn to them, since one of the functions of occupational risk prevention services is the promotion of workers' health, which includes help to stop smoking.

Non-face-to-face resources

Get in touch with 061 Health Response by calling telephone 061, telephone line to help quit smoking. They can help you receive a personalized treatment to stop smoking, solve doubts related to tobacco, and also recommend a nearby care center, if necessary. It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and covers the entire territory of Catalonia.