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The ?Ajuda?t? communication campaign has arrived, designed altruistically for the professionals of the Integral Health Consortium

  • Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Conceived by the team of CSI Psychology specialists, it provides tools to lighten day-to-day life

We have recently launched the "Ajuda't" communication campaign, designed externally in an altruistic way to help professionals in their day-to-day lives. Conceived by the team of specialists in Psychology of the Consorci Sanitari Integral, it has counted on the selfless work of a digital marketing and social communication agency, Aicandu! and a design studio, attic. The team designed and produced all the campaign's graphic materials.

This campaign is based on 30 key messages that have been chosen by the CSI Psychology team and is supported by posters, computer screensavers and leaflets. The messages are grouped by concepts such as self-confidence, positive attitude, practical advice to promote health and emotional management.

The campaign is part of the Psychosocial Support Program that the CSI launched at the end of March and in which the specialists in Mental Health, Human Resources, Social Work and Occupational Health of the company participate, with the aim of support patients, patients' relatives, active workers and home workers, isolated by covid-19. And he has arranged telephones and e-mail for assistance.

These days, where all our centers have received donations from hundreds of individuals and companies, a campaign that wants to help professionals make their day-to-day lives easier with tools that can lighten the emotional and mental burden that are living due to the health crisis caused by the arrival of covid-19, and especially to promote their health with proposals to take care of themselves and thus be able to take care.