Administrative formalities

It is advisable to keep in a folder all the documentation provided by healthcare professionals during pregnancy and after delivery.
For procedures at the reference primary care center, visits with the midwife and pediatrician, you will need the following information, which we will provide you at the Hospital:

  • Discharge reports for the mother and the baby, given at the hospital, with the respective booklets: health card and pregnancy card.
  • Sheet of necessary hospital visit schedules for mother and/or baby, if any.


Where to register the baby?

You can register it, after birth at Hospital General de l'Hospitalet and before 72 hours of life, at:

  • In the same hospital, in the Secretariat of the Pregnancy and Birth Area, located on floor 2,
    • Hours: weekdays, from Monday to Friday, from 8.00:14.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.

After 24 hours of life and before 30 days, to:

  • The Civil Registry Office:
    • In L'Hospitalet de Llobregat: Av. Carrilet, 2. Tel. 93 554 80 15
    • Al Prat de Llobregat: Plaça de l'Amistat, 1. Tel. 93 551 90 20

More information on birth registration:


Documents to be submitted to the registry
  • DNI, NIE or original passport of the father and mother.
  • Family book or original marriage certificate.
  • Questionnaire for the declaration of birth in the Civil Registry (yellow print). The midwife will ask the family for the identification document in order to certify the birth of the baby. The document must be completed without errors, erasures, or corrections in the document itself.
  • Birth statistics bulletin (pink print). It is given in the hospital. You will need to complete it, just in case DO NOT register the baby in the hospital.
  • Negative certification (white sheet). It is given in the hospital. Just in case DO NOT register the baby in the hospital.
  • Certificate of the first born if not registered in the family book.
Who can do the procedure
  • Both the father and the mother can deliver the documentation.
  • In the case of being the first child of the two, the father and mother must sign.
  • At the Civil Registry office: to issue the baby's DNI, you can request the baby's literal birth certificate (expiring six months).
Important note!

The registration of the baby must be MANDATORY at the Civil Registry in the following cases:

  • Parents of different nationalities and that neither of them is of Spanish nationality.
  • 72 hours after birth.
  • If the mother is divorced or legally separated.
  • If the ID documents, residence permit or passport are expired.
  • Parents under age.
  • If the father is not present at the hospital and wishes to be included in the register of the first child.
Processing of the baby's health card

Obtaining the baby's health card is an administrative process that takes place as follows:

  • Parents will receive a phone call from the administration of the Maternal and Child Area during the hospital stay or when mother and baby are at home.
  • Parents will need to confirm the baby's first and last names, contact address and provide a phone number.
  • At the time of leaving the center, the Hospital will provide the baby's provisional personal identification code (CIP). If the registration takes place on a weekend or holiday, this information will be sent by regular mail.
  • In approximately one month, the parents will receive the health card by post at their address.
Request leave for birth

You will need to have the mother's discharge report, which is given to the hospital.

There are two ways to do it:

  • In person, at the office closest to the address of theNational Social Security Institute (INSS). In this case, it is necessary to request a prior appointment through the your web  or from the "Seg-Social Cita Previa" application available on Google Play or App Store or on the phone: 901 106 570.
  • Through the internet with a digital certificate or electronic ID, accessing the Your Social Security portal , where you will have to register to do the management.

What documents do you need?

  • Official application form (you will find it on the website of Tu Social security ).
  • Updated family book or paternity certificate (in the case of the father).
  • ID card or passport.
  • Hospital discharge report.
  • Company certificate stating the start date of the work suspension.
  • Bank details (where the deposit is made).