Care after childbirth

After the birth, the mother and baby will go to a room in the Puerperium Unit. L'Hospitalet General Hospital has 13 individual rooms. In this unit, attention is given based on the binomial mother-baby model 24 hours a day. The team of professionals provides comprehensive care for the mother and the baby, such as indivisible core, and we recognize parents and the family as protagonists of this model.

The mother-baby binomial model has the following characteristics:

  • It encourages respect and protection of the rights of women and babies by professionals and promotes humanized and personalized care.
  • It promotes the participation and collaboration of the father and the rest of the family in the care carried out by the joint care nurse (mother and child).
  • Implement practices based on scientific evidence, such as the promotion of early breastfeeding.
  • Medical examinations and check-ups, both for mother and baby, take place in the room, with the aim of avoiding unnecessary separations.
  • We guarantee respectful care and provide the mother's intimacy and privacy at all times.
  • Respectful and cordial treatment towards the mother and the rest of the family is promoted.
  • We guarantee the necessary emotional support for the mother to reduce her anxiety, by communicating information about the baby's condition and nutrition, in a precise and timely manner.
  • We offer the possibility for the mother and the baby to have a companion with continuous permanence and thus collaborate in their care.
  • We promote the joint discharge system: in a single interview with the parents, the nurse delivers the discharge documentation for the mother and her baby, we provide advice on when and where to do outpatient follow-up and recommended care after leaving the hospital.
  • We promote the empowerment of women and their partners in the care of their babies and encourage their active participation.
  • Each action must reflect care based on scientific evidence that, in addition, reflects quality and humanization of care.

What if my baby needs more complex care?

The professionals of the Maternal and Child Area of ​​Hospital General de l'Hospitalet, both specialized in Neonatology and Nursing, are ready to respond to those babies who need care with special needs. These cares can occur from birth to hours after birth. In this case, babies who need further studies of complex diagnosis, treatments or specific care typical of a center of greater complexity, are managed their transfer to this type of center always guaranteeing their safety.

Regulations of the Maternal and Child Area at the Hospital General de l'Hospitalet

In order to ensure rest for the woman after delivery and the baby and to promote maximum recovery before going home:

  • We recommend the entry of a single accompanying person, always the same, who can be present at all times, during the entire hospital stay.
  • It is not allowed to enter the center with electric scooters or bicycles.
  • There are no visiting hours, but we ask that they do not take place after 21 p.m. to allow mothers and babies to rest.
  • We recommend that there are no more than two people in the room and in the corridors and visits are kept to a minimum.
  • The entry of children under the age of 12 is completely restricted, with the exception of the baby's siblings, who must go to sleep at home and must always be inside the rooms and accompanied by their parents.
  • The tone of voice during the stay or visit must be low. The sound of electronic devices (phones, tablets and other devices) must also be moderated.
  • The entry of food purchased outside the hospital center is completely restricted for hygiene and safety reasons.