When do we go home

If the birth went well and the baby is fine, and if neither of them needs stricter control than usual, they can go home after 24 hours of the birth with a pre-scheduled appointment at Hospital 24 -72 hours after leaving. At this visit, another neonatal check-up will be carried out and the so-called baby heel test will be carried out. It is a test within the Neonatal Screening Program of Catalonia, which aims to detect, diagnose and treat some diseases early.


If the birth was by caesarean section, and both the mother and the baby are fine, without needing a stricter control than usual, they can go home after 48 hours. In this case, the baby will go home with the heel test done.

Why might you need tighter control than usual?

In the case of the mother:

  • If you have any illness or complication prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy and after delivery.

In the case of the baby:

  • If you have any illness or complication.
  • If the urine and the deposition have not been correct before 24 hours.
  • If breastfeeding is not correct.

At hospital discharge, the professionals will ensure that you are given all the information, support and accompaniment you need to continue the health process once outside the hospital.

What does it take to be discharged?
  • Information and confirmation from the gynecologist in charge that the mother can leave, 24 hours before discharge.
  • Let the nurse or midwife be sure that the mother knows how to care for the baby and herself from that moment on.
What must be done after confirmation of registration?
  • Communicate the expected discharge information to the family or companions and how to coordinate the appropriate transport system.
What documents are provided on the day of discharge?
  • Discharge report (from the gynecologist or midwife for the woman, and from the pediatrician for the baby).
  • Electronic recipe.
  • Recommendation leaflets: Mother and baby care guide and Breastfeeding support group.
  • Scheduling appointments: ASSIR appointment for the mother with the midwife and appointment for external consultations for the baby, if necessary.
  • Health card for the baby and pregnancy card for the mother.
  • Provisional sheet of the health card (CIP) of the baby.
  • To register the baby: Civil Registry sheet (yellow), negative certification sheet and statistics sheet (pink).
What should be done on the day of discharge?
  • The woman must be accompanied.
  • If the departure is in the morning, you must be ready before 10.00:16.00 a.m., if the departure is in the afternoon, you must be ready before 19.00:XNUMX p.m. If it is at night, before XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. This includes:
  • Do personal hygiene
  • Being dressed and dressing the baby
  • Have the belongings collected
What if I need help leaving?
  • The family or companions (whenever possible) will be present and will help the woman with any needs she may have in order to be discharged.
  • In the case of not having family or companions, the woman will receive all the support she needs from the team that has been looking after her.