Otorhinolaryngology and cervicofacial surgery

About the Observatory

The Otorhinolaryngology and Cervicofacial Surgery Service is dedicated to the diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of pathologies related to the area of ​​Otorhinolaryngology and head and neck.

The Otorhinolaryngology and Cervicofacial Surgery Service is dedicated to the diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of pathologies related to the area of ​​Otorhinolaryngology and head and neck.

It supports both primary care (with visits to the outpatient clinics of the specialized care centers in Ronda la Torrassa, Cornellà de Llobregat and Sant Feliu de Llobregat) and the Sant Joan Despí Moisès Broggi Hospital and the General Hospital of l'Hospitalet

He works in outpatient and hospital outpatient consultations, interconsultations of emergencies and patients admitted to hospitals. It also offers surgical care at both hospitals, both major ambulatory surgery and scheduled inpatient surgery and minor ambulatory surgery.

Since the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have adapted to make our consultations safer for patients and professionals, as well as more comfortable for our patients, through the introduction of Telemedicine.

It is a dynamic service open to innovation. Its doctors have been trained in various hospitals in Catalonia and other parts of Spain that train residents (Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona, ​​Arnau de Vilanova in Lleida, Miguel Servet in Zaragoza, etc.), which favors have a broader vision of the specialty.

It serves the reference population, prioritizing adult patients.

  • Date of update 15/01/2022

Head of Service

  • Javier Villa Martin

    otorhinolaryngology hsjd

    head of specialized care service

  • Cristina Marin Garrido

    otorhinolaryngology hsjd

    specialist doctor

  • Carolina Velandia Melo

    otorhinolaryngology hsjd

    specialist doctor

In this section appear the professionals of the Integral Health Consortium who have authorized the display of their personal data.

  • Date of update 15/01/2022

Units and benefits

Diagnostic and therapeutic management of the entire field of Otorhinolaryngology and cervicofacial pathology, for adults, both at ambulatory (specialized care centers) and hospital level.

A novelty since 2020 (stimulated by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic) was the use of Telemedicine, when possible (giving information that does not require the presence of the patient over the phone). We have also modified our visit protocols, avoiding if possible the presence of companions during the exploratory part of the medical visit, but allowing them to pass when the conclusions of our visit must be communicated.

Ear pathology:
  • Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic pathologies of the ear.
  • Surgical treatment specialized in
    • Benign and oncological pathologies of the external ear,
    • Acute and chronic otitis media (simple and cholesteatomaous).
    • Middle ear surgery focused on the treatment of transmission hearing loss.
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic management of Eustachian tube disorders.
  • Most common surgeries: stapedoectomies, tympanoplasties, mastoidectomies, cholesteatoma surgery, myringoplasty and canaloplasty.
  • Experience in endoscopic and microtoscopic surgery of the ear.
  • Management of dysbaric pathology and decompression sickness given the close collaboration with the Hyperbaric Therapy Unit of the Hospital de Sant Joan Despí Moisès Broggi.


Additional explorations:

  • Tone audiometry. Objective test to determine the hearing threshold in pure tones both by air and by bone.
  • Verbal audiometry. Objective test to assess hearing with bisyllabic words and determine language discrimination and comprehension.
  • Impedancemetry. Objective test to determine the occupation of the middle ear by liquids and the mobility of the tympanic membrane.
Acute and chronic vestibular syndrome (balance pathology): Otoneurology.
  • Diagnosis and medical treatment.
  • Surgical treatment of vertigo unresponsive to medical treatment.
  • Most common surgeries: intratympanic injections.

Additional explorations:

  • Videonystagmography. Determines the response of the labyrinth predicted vestibular function to the positional and caloric stimulus.
  • Cephalic Impulse Test (v-HIT). It records and analyzes vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), it allows us to determine the functioning of the vestibular system and its degree of involvement.
Nasal pathology:
  • Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic nasal obstruction.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of acute, chronic rhinosinusitis with or without nasal polyposis.
  • Sinus complications of dental pathologies and treatment.
  • Smell disorders.
  • Most common surgeries: septoplasty, radiofrequency of ornets, endoscopic surgery for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors in the rhinosinusal area, septorhinoplasty.
  • Nasal valve surgery.
  • External approaches to malignant nasal tumors.


Additional explorations:

  • Acoustic rhinometry. Determine the passage area in the two nostrils.
  • Rhinomanometry. It determines the volume of air that circulates through the nostril, which gives a value to the nasal breathing capacity.
  • Olfactometry. It assesses the ability to discriminate and identify smells.
Pharyngolaryngeal pathology:
  • Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic pharyngotonsillitis, management of pharyngolaryngeal tumors, both benign and malignant.
  • Diagnosis of the functional pathology of the voice with a specific study of the voice and multidisciplinary medical and rehabilitative treatment.
  • Most common surgeries: tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, tonsillar and adenoidal reduction with radiofrequency, excision of benign tumors, phonosurgery, laser treatment of lesions of the pharyngolaryngeal area.

Additional explorations:

  • Pharyngolaryngeal endoscopy and video endoscopy. Examination done on the same day as the visit to the Service's testing room.
  • Laryngeal stroboscopy. Functional study of the vibration of the vocal cords during phonation, to diagnose intrachordal lesions.
  • Laryngeal electromyography. Diagnostic and prognostic study of the neurological effects that alter the mobility of the vocal cords and botulinum toxin infiltration in the case of laryngeal dystonias.
Otorhinolaryngological and cervicofacial oncology:
  • Management of oncology through the Rapid Cancer Diagnosis Unit specific to the area of ​​Otorhinolaryngology and cervicofacial pathology.
  • Participation and leadership of the Head and Neck Oncology Committee of the Comprehensive Health Consortium (CSI).
  • Active participation and regular member of the Head and Neck Functional Unit at Bellvitge Hospital.
  • Conservative medical and surgical treatment of tumors in the area and subsequent monitoring and control.
  • Most common oncological surgeries: partial and total laryngectomies, laser oncological surgery, cervical lymph node dissection, glossectomies, pharyngectomies. Pharyngolaryngeal reconstructions with locoregional grafts and free grafts. Speech rehabilitation surgery with voice prosthesis.
Sleep disorders:
  • Diagnosis and surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).
  • Active participation in the CHMB Sleep Unit.
  • Most common surgeries: expansion pharyngoplasty, tonsillectomy, partial lingual resection.

Additional explorations:

  • Somnoscopy or DISE (Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy). Upper airway sedation study for objective assessment of obstruction during sleep. Outpatient procedure in the testing room.
Swallowing disorders:
  • Study and diagnosis of swallowing disorders, both of organic and functional origin.
  • Participation and leadership in the Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Committee of the CSI.

Additional explorations:

  • Videoendoscopy of swallowing. Direct vision examination of swallowing in dysphagic patients with assessment of foods with different textures that are swallowed safely and effectively.
  • Videofluoroscopy of swallowing. Advice and help in the radiological swallowing test at the Diagnostic Imaging service and preparation of the test report.


Areas of service excellence:

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic management of swallowing. Multidisciplinary committee.
  • Management of vestibular syndrome. Multidisciplinary committee for diagnostic and therapeutic management.
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic management of sleep breathing disorders.
  • Head and neck oncology. The service is a member of the Functional Head and Neck Oncology Unit of Bellvitge Hospital. Surgical, reconstructive and rehabilitative treatment.
  • Management and treatment of pathologies associated with dysbarisms.
  • Date of update 15/01/2022

Diseases and procedures

  • Nasal obstruction:

    Nasal respiratory difficulty affects people of all ages and can be acute or chronic. There are several causes, among which the most frequent are:

    • Allergic rhinitis: inflammation of the nasal mucosa and turbinates
    • Deviation of the nasal septum
    • Nasal polyps
    • Collapse of the nasal valve
      All of them have treatment, either medicinal or surgical, which in most cases is satisfactory.
  • Hearing loss:

    Hearing loss is sometimes associated with age, as from the age of 50 the auditory nerve begins to deteriorate. But it can also occur at younger ages. If the hearing loss is not due to the nerve, it is necessary to consider whether there is a surgical possibility.

    • Among hearing losses due to operable causes, the service frequently practices the repair of tympanic perforation.
    • Treats chronic otorrhoea (discharges) from the ear, intermittent or continuous (includes the treatment of benign chronic otitis media and cholesteatoma).
    • It carries out stapedotomies and stapedectomies in cases of otosclerosis.
    • Performs repermeabilization of strictures of the external auditory canal due to bony or fibrous causes (canaloplasties).
    • Performs tympanoplasty and reconstructive techniques in operated cavities and with hearing loss.
  • Sinusitis:

    Inflammation/infection of the bony cavities surrounding the nose (if maxillary, frontal, ethmoidal and sphenoidal), which if not treated properly can have serious ocular or intracranial complications.
    Its treatment can be medicinal or surgical.

  • Vertigo:

    Balance losses are very disabling. The main control is in the inner ear, and its dysfunction is the cause of most vertigo (peripheral vertigo). The most common causes of peripheral vertigo are: benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular neuronitis, vestibular migraine and complicated otitis. The diagnostic tests for the study of vertigo range from clinical examination to consultation (Romberg, Barany, Unterberger, Dix-Hallpike maneuver...) or more specialized tests such as the VHIT (cephalic impulse test) or videonystagmography .

  • Swallowing disorders (oropharyngeal dysphagia):

    Diagnostic study of swallowing problems that may appear due to neurological problems, aging, a head and neck pathology or a digestive pathology. Two objective tests are used for the study:

    • Videofibroscopy of swallowing (FEES). It is done in the test cabinet room of the external consultation with the videofibroscope. It is given to eat foods of different textures to assess the type of safe and effective intake.
    • Videofluoroscopy of swallowing. It is a radiological test in which swallowing is analyzed. A form of real-time x-ray called fluoroscopy is used to assess the patient's ability to swallow safely and effectively. The test is generally well tolerated, non-invasive, and can help identify the consistencies of liquids and meals that the patient can safely consume.

    Study with a multidisciplinary team of patients with dysphagia: otorhinolaryngologist, nutritionist, rehabilitation doctor, geriatrician, internist, neurologist, digestologist, nurse.

  • Pathology of the salivary glands:

    The salivary glands can become inflamed, infected (parotiditis, submaxilitis, etc.) or give rise to tumors, whether benign or malignant. The diagnosis and treatment of their pathologies is carried out by the ENT.

  • Head and neck oncology:

    • oncology Malignant tumors located in the paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx, oral cavity, salivary glands, cervical lymph node metastases or some specific head and neck skin tumor such as that of the ear, in which factors such as tobacco are implicated, alcohol, or the human papilloma virus. They represent 5% of all tumors.
      A diagnostic assessment is initially carried out in the rapid diagnostic circuit which includes the first visit, complete examination including fiberoscopy +/- narrow band imaging, the necessary complementary tests (computed tomography, magnetic resonance, etc.) and biopsies. Once the diagnosis has been made, the Oncological Committee of the Head and Neck Functional Unit Bellvitge-ICO, of which the service is a part, proposes therapeutic management. In the case of surgical treatment, it is usually carried out at the centers of the CSI, and in the case of treatment with chemotherapy +/-radiotherapy, they are carried out at the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO). The monitoring and rehabilitation of the patient is carried out in a multidisciplinary way between the different professionals (nursing team specialized in head and neck surgery, oncology, radiation oncology, radiology, nuclear medicine, anatomopathology, nutrition and dietetics, rehabilitation, speech therapy, plastic surgery or maxillofacial of the Bellvitge Hospital if necessary, etc.)
    • Benign head and neck pathology. It includes, on the one hand, benign salivary gland tumors (parotid, submaxillary...), benign cervical tumors (cysts, fissures...), oral cavity lesions or others that require diagnosis and may require surgical treatment. On the other hand, diagnostic tests and surgeries are also carried out for hematological pathologies such as lymphoproliferative or infectious ones, such as tuberculosis.
  • Laryngology:

    • It studies conditions and alterations of the larynx (vocal cords) that can affect the quality of the voice. A diagnosis is made in an outpatient consultation, which usually requires fiberoscopy and/or stroboscopy. The patient is usually treated in a multidisciplinary manner thanks to the close collaboration with the speech therapy rehabilitation team, and may require surgical treatment.
    • Disorders in the mobility of the vocal cords resulting from neurological disorders and which also require an electromyographic study to confirm the diagnosis and prognosis, or to infiltrate botulinum toxin, a test that is carried out together with neurophysiologists.
  • Date of update 15/01/2022


Scientific publications and other noteworthy scientific contributions of the Service:

  1. Navarrete ML, Salazar J, Burgos MT and Fuentes JF. Unusual Case of Mastoid Osteoma. J Clin Res Med Rep. 2019; 2:107


  2. García M, Cabrera JA, Bataller A, Vila J, Mayoral P. Mandibular movement analysis by means of a kinematic model applied to the design of oral appliances for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Med. 2020 Sep;73:29–37. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1389945720301854


  3. Esteller E, Carrasco M, Díaz-Herrera MÁ, Vila J, Sampol G, Juvanteny J, et al. Recommendations of the Clinical Practice Guide for the exploration of the upper airway for adult patients with suspected obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española [Internet]. 2019 Nov;70(6):364–72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.otorri.2018.06.008


  4. Marín Garrido C, Díez Tejerina S, Codina Arona A, Mir Uldemolins N. Our experience of a specific oropharyngeal dysphagia consultation in a regional hospital 70 SEORL CCC National Congress. Santiago de Compostela, 3-6 October 2019.


  5. Marina Carrasco Llatas, Paula Martínez Ruíz de Apodaca, Peter Baptista Jardín, Carlos O'Connor Reina, Guillermo Plaza Mayor, Iván Méndez-Benegassi Silva, Eugenio Vicente González, Isabel Vilaseca González, Ana Isabel Navazo Egía, Laura Samará Piñol, Irene Álvarez García , Javier Vila Martín, Eduard Esteller More. Drug-induced sleep endoscopy. Acta Otorhinolaryngol 2020;71(5):316–20.


  6. Marín Garrido C., Mir Ulldemolins N., Diez Tejerina S. Codina Aroca A. Study of the response to empirical treatment with PPIs in patients with suspected laryngitis due to laryngopharyngeal reflux in a basic ENT service. 12th Congress of the European Laryngological Society (ELS 2018). London, 16 to 19 May 2018.




  8. "Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness in Ear Nose and Throat tertiary center. Follow-up treatment outcomes” A. Mateo, M. Pujol M, AM García Arumí, F Ahumada at the 5th INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY VESTIBULAR DISORDER COURSE AND WORKSHOP. From 1 to 3 June 2017. Granada.


  9. "Vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) in vestibular migraine (VM). Clinical implications” García Arumí AM, Ahumada F, Pujol M, Mateo A, Moncho D, Rahnama K, Thonon V. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Clinical neurophysiology. Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. 4th Congress of European ORL-HNS. From 07 to 11 October 2017. Barcelona.


  10. Navarrete M, Torrent M, Issa D, Salazar J. The use of myofascial techniques (dry needle) for the treatment of maintained muscle contraction in peripheral facial palsy sequelae. Arch Otolaryngol Rhinol. 2019;5(3)
  • Date of update 15/01/2022


The ENT Department teaches at two levels:

  • Degree in Medicine: 4th year students do their clinical practice in the subject of Otorhinolaryngology.
  • MIR of Family and Community Medicine: they do their rotation in the specialty of Otorhinolaryngology.
  • Date of update 15/01/2022