Internal Alert System

The Internal Alert System is a safe space free of reprisals, through which facts, behavior or irregular activities can be communicated, anonymously and/or confidentially. It is conceived as a tool through which to reinforce and strengthen the integrity and ethical culture of the Integral Health Consortium, with the guarantee of compliance with the applicable regulatory framework.

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What can be alerted?

Qualsevol infringement regulations, legal or ethics of any matter related to the Consorci Sanitari Integral that belongs to one of the following blocks:

  • Economic issues (embezzlement, corruption, fraud, etc.).
  • Contractual issues (competitions and public tenders, product conformity and safety, etc.).
  • Organizational issues (public health, data protection, environmental protection, etc.).
  • Behavioral issues (cases of harassment, interpersonal conflicts, discrimination, etc.).
  • Violation of internal codes and procedures (ethics and integrity, conflicts of interest, etc.).
  • Other conducts

What can't be alerted?

Subjects related solely and exclusively to cases assistance and subjects treated by the Citizen Service Units

Who can use it?

Qualsevol natural or legal person with relationship labor or professional with the CSI, regardless of whether the relationship is in force, has ended or has not yet started as it is in a negotiation phase or in a selection process.

If you require any type of public information, according to current regulations, you can consult the Portal of transparency

How does the System work?

There are three ways to present the alert on the web:

  • Writing: filling in a System web form.
  • Verbal: the System allows you to record voice.
  • In person: must be requested in writing or verbally through the System.

All options allow attaching files.

Do you need to identify yourself to make the alert?

It's not necessary. The alert can be made in the form:

  • anonymous.
  • With identification: which is known only to the person responsible for the System and, in case the facts have to be investigated, by the members of the investigation commission.

How is anonymity guaranteed when submitting alerts?

Each of the routes has the following mechanisms:

  • Writing: when the box relative to is checked I want to alert anonymously, the System does not ask for more data.
  • Verbal: When the voice recording is finished, check the box is allowed I want to distort the voice and the System automatically records it with the distorted voice, without being able to access the initial recording with the real voice of the alerting person.
  • Digital games: if a face-to-face meeting is requested, no anonymity can be guaranteed but the confidentiality of the person's identity is guaranteed what an alert

Follow-up of the alert presented

The System provides a password, which can be downloaded or copied and which allows you to check updates on the status of the submitted alert, so it is important not to lose this code.

If the option is chosen enter email, the System sends alert status updates to the entered address. The use of this option does not reveal the identity of the alerting person, since the email is not registered in the System nor is it visible to the person in charge.

Can you interact with the System?

Yes, once the alert has been submitted, with the password, you can access and view comments or messages entered by the person responsible for the System and respond to them. Therefore, there is no need to create new alerts to add new information.

Who manages the System?

It is managed by theLegal Area of the Integral Health Consortium.

Form of answer

The person responsible for the Internal Alert System only communicates with the person who submitted the alert through the System itself, sending messages, updates, requests for information, etc. This makes it possible to guarantee the anonymity and confidentiality of the information contained and to carry out a thorough tracing of its treatment.


Acknowledgment of receipt is given in a maximum of 7 calendar days to count from the day following the presentation of the alert and is resolved within a period maximum of 3 months to count from the day following the acknowledgment of receipt.

These terms can be extended with reasons and in writing due to the circumstances of the case. If this is the case, the alerting person is informed.

All communications (including acknowledgment of receipt and resolution) are made through the System itself. The alerting person can view them by entering the tracking code that was generated when the alert was submitted.

What guarantees does it have?

The System guarantees the confidentiality of all data entered and, if the person wishes, their anonymity. The System is articulated in order to provide absolute traceability of the actions carried out with the information received and to guarantee the principles inherent in any investigation.

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