Specialized health training (residents)

Do you want to do residency at Consorci Sanitari Integral?

Do you want to do an external rotation at Consorci Sanitari Integral?

Training stays

Training stays for Spanish professionals

Training stays for foreign professionals

University degrees

The Consorci Sanitari Integral has a preferential and specific agreement with the University of Barcelona (UB) and some specific collaborations with other universities. It welcomes students in internships from the UB degrees of:

  • Medicine

  • Nurse

  • Psychology

  • Pharmacy, Human Nutrition and Dietetics

  • Social work

  • Philology and Communication (Neurolinguistics)

  • Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

    The Moisès Broggi Hospital University Complex and the Dos de Maig Hospital host UB Medicine students on internships in the following courses:

    • Fourth: Diseases of the Cardiocirculatory System, Diseases of the Respiratory System, Diseases of the Nervous System, Diseases of the Digestive System, Diseases of the Endocrine System and Nutrition and Otorhinolaryngology.

    • Fifth: Orthopedics and Rheumatology.

    • Sixth: Obstetrics and Gynecology and Supervised practices-hospital clinical stay (from the Bellvitge Campus, at the Moisès Broggi Hospital Complex, and from the Clinical Campus, at the Dos de Maig Hospital).

    School of Nursing

    The Moisès Broggi Hospital University Complex and Dos de Maig Hospital host Nursing students in clinical practice from the UB and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

    Faculty of Psychology 

    The Moisès Broggi Hospital University Complex welcomes bachelor's and master's students.

    • Practices fourth year, clinical specialty of the UB Psychology degree.

    • Practices I and II of the master's degree in General Health Psychology of the UB.

    • Practices degree in linguistics from the Faculty of Philology and Communication of the UB.

    • Practices of the master's degree in Child and Adult Neuropsychology from the UAB.

    Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences

    The Moisès Broggi University Hospital Complex and the Dos de Maig Hospital welcome 5th year Pharmacy students:

    • Supervised practices-hospital stay and Human Nutrition and Dietetics students.

    School of Social Work

    The Integral Health Consortium welcomes Social Work students from the following courses:

    • Practices third grade

    • Practices fourth grade

    Other universities

    • Physiotherapy (Gimbernat-UAB)

    • Occupational therapy (UAB)

    • Speech Therapy (UAB)

    • Dentistry (UIC)

    Undergraduate, postgraduate, master's and training courses secretary

    93 553 12 00, extension 7101

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      Friday, 20 December 2024

      Marina Triquell, urologist at the Moisès Broggi Complex, PhD Cum Laude