Specialized health training (residents)

Do you want to do residency at Consorci Sanitari Integral?

Do you want to do an external rotation at Consorci Sanitari Integral?

Training stays

Training stays for Spanish professionals

Training stays for foreign professionals

University masters and postgraduates

The master's and postgraduate degrees allow you to deepen your knowledge in specific areas and are mainly focused on applying in professional practice the skills and competences acquired in the previous studies.


To obtain them you need 60 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits. There is the possibility of doing them for 120 ECTS, in two years.

Official university masters

The official university master's degree is the one that is valid throughout the territory of the Spanish State.

Master's degrees

The master's degree is a non-regulated study that leads to the obtaining of an unofficial degree that is recognized, solely, by the university that delivers it

  • Diploma of specialization: has 30 ECTS

  • Experts: has more than 15 ECTS

  • Higher university course: has less than 15 ECTS

University extension courses

They do not require a higher academic qualification. You get:

  • University extension diploma: 30 credits

  • University Extension Certification: less than 30 credits

Undergraduate, postgraduate, master's and training courses secretary

93 553 12 00, extension 7101

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    Friday, 20 December 2024

    Marina Triquell, urologist at the Moisès Broggi Complex, PhD Cum Laude