
    Marta Cárdenas
    5 years
    EU H2020 programme

The Consorci Sanitari Integral is one of the seven partners from different countries (Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain) that give life to the eCare project, financed by the European Union through the Marc Horitzó 2020 Program and designed to prevent frailty in the elderly .

Context: an aging society

Longevity is one of the greatest achievements of modern societies. In fact, children born after 2011 have a one in three chance of living to 100. A quarter of Europeans are over 60 years old. Combined with low birth rates, this causes significant changes in the structure of European society.
In this sense, the aging of the population has profound implications for the planning and provision of social and health services. European Union spending on healthcare is currently growing faster than gross domestic product (GDP). Seconds the 2015 Aging Report, the total costs of aging in the euro area are expected to increase by 1,5 percentage points of GDP, from 26,8% in 2013 to 28,3% in 2060.

The milestone of the project

The purpose of the project, which is planned to be developed over the next four years, is to find a technological tool that prevents the loneliness and isolation of the elderly and promotes their quality of life, independence and well-being. The digital solution targets two main groups:
1) Older people who are doing well and living at home. In this case, the tool will focus on prevention. The eCare project will help with healthy habits such as quitting smoking or doing more physical activity, among others.

2) Elderly people who are frail and at risk, that is, people who are in the hospital, residence or in a health care unit. In this case, the goal is to enable them to gain independence.
Considering that this technological tool does not exist on the market, a call is launched for companies to develop a solution and test it through a PCP (pre-commercial public procurement) process. The PCP system is a tool to introduce innovation in public entities, so that an innovative service is contracted that is not currently on the market, and it is done to promote the development of the sector. The contracting public administration thereby acquires a competitive advantage in terms of service quality, in addition to an added image and commitment to innovation.
The eCare project, in which the Santander City Council also participates, has a budget of 5,6 million euros and is coordinated by the company Silo.
In the Consortium, different areas participate to develop the project, including Primary Care, Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, Social Work and Innovation.

  • Project title: Digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty prevention in old adults
  • Participating countries: Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain
  • Project website:

Project financed by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 Program.


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