Scheduled caesarean section

Scheduled caesarean section is a medical indication. The midwife or obstetrician will inform you of the reason for the intervention. You will need to sign an informed consent before surgery.

Remember that:

  • You must arrive on time at the indicated time.
  • You must follow the instructions on the information sheet that will be given to you: on the scheduled day, you must go to the delivery room (2nd floor) at 8.30am.
  • From 00.00 hours, you must be fasting: no water or any kind of food can be taken.
  • In the delivery room, you must access it without jewelery or make-up, and with the pregnancy documentation (maternity card, analyzes and consents and identification documentation such as DNI or NIE...).
  • The entry of a companion to the caesarean section is possible.